A Father’s Love

He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will. Ephesians 1:5 

My dad lost his father when he was 19 years old. 

This means I’ve had my dad 20 more years than he had his father. How my father managed the trials of becoming a man, I will never understand because he has been there for me every step of the way. It’s hard to imagine life without him because he is my go-to-guy — even when I don’t take his advice. 

I am 6 feet 5 inches. I wear size 14 shoes, and yet I will never be able to fill my father’s shoes. His love for ministry and people is beyond my comprehension. So much so, I hesitated in becoming a pastor because I knew without a doubt, I wouldn’t be half the pastor, and preacher he has been for forty-five years.  

The thing I admire most about my dad is his heart. Even though he only has two biological children, he welcomed and raised more than 18 children in his house.  For those who struggled as adults, my dad provided them with the tools – car, education, land – to be their best selves. My father taught me that fatherhood goes beyond blood and that ultimately God is the greatest example of a father.

On Sunday, we get to celebrate Father’s Day. There is a deep stirring of emotions on this special day regardless of the relationship one has with their earthly father. Some have been anticipating this celebration for weeks. They will shower their father with gifts and love, while others will do whatever it takes to forget that this day even exists. 

This day may be challenging for some of you. Perhaps your father didn’t fulfill his responsibilities as he should have. Maybe he was abusive. Maybe you grew up without a father, or he’s no longer living.  I don’t know what it feels like not to have a father, but I can only imagine that it’s painful.

Now that I have the great pleasure of raising three children of my own, I know how difficult it is to be in the role of a father. There’s so much I want to do for my children and in my imperfect attempts to help them, I often fall short. All fathers are failures in some ways… all, except one.

Our Heavenly Father has adopted us as his children. He never ceases to love us, and His love is expressed by his constant care, patience, and mercy toward us. He’ll never forsake us, fail to provide for us, or disappoint us by a faulty character.


Generous and providing Father in Heaven, thank you for the ultimate example of what it means to be a father. You love us all equally, regardless of who we are. Thank you for the good gifts you provide through our earthly fathers. Guide them to be good role models, and bless them to strive to love their children the way you do. Amen

Happy Father’s Day!
