Who Is Behind 
Happy Life Magazine

Meet Ontonio Christie

I am a multifaceted individual with a diverse range of experiences.​ As an artist, I have explored various mediums and techniques, constantly seeking to push the boundaries of my creativity. As an editor, I have honed my skills in crafting compelling stories and ensuring accuracy in written content.

In addition to my creative pursuits, I have also served as a pastor, guiding and supporting members of my faith communities through their spiritual journeys.

My role as a husband and father is one that I hold dear, always striving to be a loving and supportive partner to my spouse and a positive role model to my children.

Through these varied experiences, I have gained a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of life, and a desire to continually learn and grow in all aspects of my personal and professional pursuits.

Meet Kadine Christie

My name is Kadine Christie and here are just a few things about me. I am the Author of the book “I Am Home Within Myself” I love to eat…like really love to EAT food that makes me hum. I pair this of course with a light bodied wine or a drink that is a combination of short, strong and sweet. Libraries are great and all but I love owning my books…I love to turn the pages, underline thoughts worth repeating and write my own in the corners. I am my best when I am writing, teaching, learning and creating. I am addicted to color pencils and sharpies and turning old things anew. I have a B.A in Sociology A Masters in Counseling Studies… And where do I use these degrees you ask? At home: homeschooling my three nerve-endings that happens to live on the outside of my body and writing.

Contact me: kadine@hlmg.us