High Points… Low Points…

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
We’ve been playing happy points and lowest points around our dinner table for almost eleven years.
Sharing the best and the worst part of our days is our way of connecting and listening to what’s on each other’s hearts. With each passing day of staying home, the game feels more like a challenge. We seem to find the low point with ease, but finding a high point is far more daunting. This has forced me to reflect on the little things — the birds chirping, the squirrels jumping from tree to tree, and my children laughing, or asking one too many questions.
I believe playing this game, with such consistency, is cultivating within me a spirit of gratitude. This week, however, it was much harder to find high points.
It’s hard to be grateful when we are perplexed, frustrated, and devastated. This week after watching the blatant murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, I was overwhelmed with grief. My low point was explaining to my children that the world won’t be fair to them because of the color of their skin. This conversation is always hard for me because I want my brown babies to grow up in a world that is just! But we currently live in a world where something as simple as driving or jogging down the street is not the same for everyone.
It’s really hard to be grateful for the little things when we are tested, and feel like the world is against us. The truth of Romans 8:28 reminds us that although bad things will happen in our lives, God is more powerful. God can redeem and restore anything for our good, and His glory.
All things may not be good, but God can and will use all things for good.
Loving God, help us to see that the good outweighs the bad in our lives. Remind us to stop, breathe, and be thankful for the little things, for in you, Oh God there are no big things. We struggle to trust you with our broken pieces but help us today believe the promise of Romans 8:28 – no suffering is wasted, and you are always at work for our good and your glory. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.
Blessed Love,
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