Transformation Through Experience

In life, we continuously face difficulties and hardships. Sometimes we feel defeated by them, or we might even see them as opportunities for growth and change.

In my 40-something years on this earth, I have faced my share of difficulties, struggles, heartbreaks, and grief. I buried close friends and grandparents at a young age. I was robbed in the middle of the day at gunpoint. I migrated from the Country I called home for 24 years, leaving friends and family behind. I have lost jobs and even had to walk away from some to keep my dignity. I have stood and watched friends and family struggle with deadly diseases. I have survived two category-four hurricanes and a pandemic. I had to send a daughter to college in a new city and watch her struggle to make her own footprints in the world. 

Through all these multitudes of challenges and struggles I faced, I had no choice but to figure out how to use them as tools to grow and evolve into a better version of myself. When we experience pain and heartache, we are forced to confront our own weaknesses and limitations.

One of the most powerful examples of transformation through experience can be found in the life of Jesus. Throughout his ministry, Jesus faced immense challenges and opposition. He was rejected by his own, betrayed by his friends, and ultimately put to death on a cross. Yet through all of this, he remained steadfast in his faith and commitment to his mission.

Through his experiences, Jesus transformed into the ultimate example of love and compassion. His suffering and sacrifice allowed him to connect with the pain and struggles of others in a profound way. It was through his experiences that he was able to bring healing and hope to countless people.

May we embrace the challenges and struggles of life as opportunities for transformation, and may we have the courage and faith to trust that even amid our darkest moments, we are being shaped and transformed into the people that God meant for us to be.


  1. What are some of the difficulties and hardships that you experience?
  2. In what ways did these experiences transform you?

Let Us Pray:

Loving Creator, help us today to see you in our experiences. Even amid our darkest moments, may we trust that we are being shaped and transformed into the person you want us to become. Amen

I would love to hear your story and your thoughts.Ā Please email me at:

Ontonio Christie
Happy Life Magazine