Life Interrupted

There is a Jamaican proverb that says, “Walk fi nuthin betta dan sit dung fi nuthin” Meaning: It’s better to go out and look for something rather than sit down and expect something to happen.Ā
Two weeks ago, Zahara and I took a walk along Mobile Bay. We wondered why the seagulls were so plentiful and excited, and why so many people were out casting nets. We didnāt know what the excitement was about until we stopped and watched a man fill two buckets with shrimp. Zahara and I had walked into our first Jubilee. Since our move to Fairhope, we’ve heard all about Jubilees!! We heard about how wonderful it was and how back in the day, people would call each other, yell jubilee, hang up, and meet at the bay. It is a joyful event for those fishing from the bounty of the Bay. On the flip side of this joyous occasion, however, is a life interrupted for the poor creatures that inhabit the bay. They are trying to survive.
Life throws us into survival mode and we swim to survive. As I write this devotional, I am thinking about those people in southwestern Louisiana who got caught in the path of Hurricane Laura early Thursday morning. Iām thinking about the six people who died as a result of this destruction. I am thinking about those affected by a wildfire in California. I am thinking of those diagnosed with chronic illness or life-threatening diseases. I am thinking of those who lost loved ones too soon. I am thinking about the moms and dads who lost their sons and daughters through senseless shooting.
It is really hard to see God when we are going through these interruptions and like the Psalmist, we want to cry out, āHow long, O Lord?
Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?ā The truth is, God is right there with us in the interpretations, in the midst of our troubles. I find comfort in Psalm 121, and the reminder that I can lift my eyes to the hillsā and call on the one who made heaven and earth for help.
Let Us Pray:
Ever-present God, we are grateful that you are always with us in good times and bad times, and even those times that our lives are interrupted. Thank you for the gentle reminder that our help comes from you Oh Lord, who made heaven and earth. Amen
Blessed Love!
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